Solstice @ Necrosis 8/24

Friday, August 23, 2019

I made an exclusive for Necrosis! It opens tomorrow 8/24.

These alien earrings took me way longer than they should have honestly lol. I tried to make up for my little hiccup along the way ( having to remove the stunds :( i know sad) . so i added a bunch of colors included a pretty holographic version.

These are Materials Enabled, and original mesh.

They come in the size you see pictured ( which is not modify), but i include a small size with a resizer as well.

Teleport Here

For the duration of this event I have also added a limited time VIP gift. Its not a new item its a previous release set as vip gift for the event only

You can find these eyes for 50% off there as well.

Solstice 3 Year Birthday Sale

Officially the 3 year birthday of Solstice was yesterday but i had stuff going on so im starting the celebration today. I havent been able to make an official gift for it but i decided to mark all clothing packs in world only for 100 L$ until the 31st.

Teleport Here

Important Changes to Solstice

Monday, August 12, 2019

I decided a bit of an update with my logo was needed to go along with other changes i have been making to the brand.

The new logo isnt anything so drastic that still using the old one isnt a huge deal so im not worried. The new logo i took the font into Blender and rendered a 3d image of it. I also decided to go with a nice sleek black background for the modern gothic design im incorporating to the overall look of the brand in world as i rebuild again.

I did keep the pentacle in my logo as its an important representation of who i am and my style. So that will always remain in the logo.

For various cover photo images i created this new image that has flying crow shadows on it. thought it looked pretty wicked with the new design.


Other important changes.

I am no longer buying clothing meshes. So this means i will not be releasing many new clothing items. I am just using the meshes i have that i bought before i took a break. So as soon as these are used up and released thats it for new clothing.

The reason is I am working to switching over all future releases to original mesh jewelry ( earrings, chokers,necklaces,facial piercings etc),Accessories (such as backpacks,dolls and holdable creatures, horns,head ornament stuff etc.), Cosmetics ( with appliers for mesh heads), Eyes ( with appliers for mesh heads).

The 3 year Anniversary of Solstice is marked this month and many changes and updates were very much needed. This important milestone means learning new things and trying new events in the future.

With these new changes I am cracking down on the Blogger list. Meaning i am more strict with accepting people and being sure they follow the rules set before applying. While i will always understand RL and needing time away that will never be an issue for my bloggers. 

I however will not accept bloggers taking items, then leaving blogotex without reason. It will not be ok to up and leave without communication. For these reasons i have decided to blacklist bloggers that do this. I need professional bloggers who will communicate fully with every problem that may arise.

Witch Earrings

Thursday, August 8, 2019

.::[Solstice]::.Witch Earrings
Materials Enabled
7 metal color options including rainbow!

You buy buy them on the Marketplace HERE
or purchase In World to get store credit HERE